Nucleus Life AG
Independent and inovative niche Life insurer based in Liechtenstein
Nucleus Life AG (est. 2004) is an independent Life Insurance company.
Nucleus Life is an innovative, niche Life Insurer active in the B2B market, where our experienced and highly skilled team designs bespoke insurance solutions for a small number of select partners across the world.
Nucleus Life’s core business line remains single premium Deposit-Linked Life Insurance, where individual custodian accounts are opened for each policyholder. Allowable underlying assets depend on the country in which the product is sold (Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium, Ireland, Norway and Sweden), the profile of the policyholder, as well as premium size. An independent asset manager may or may not be required.
In addition, niche risk and pension business will be written presumably in 2021, but only with full reinsurance support (including suitable solvency relief, where necessary).
The company has been incorporated in 2004 as Plenum Life AG and is domiciled in Vaduz, the capital of the Principality of Liechtenstein.
Nucleus Life is regulated by the Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein (FMA).
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Solutions offered by Nucleus Life:
Nucleus Asset Protector
Flagship product, the Asset Protector, is a sophisticated life insurance product which, depending on the country, provides for unparalleled flexibility in choice of underlying assets, investment strategy, custodian bank and asset manager.
The Asset Protector is a flexible, fully compliant and highly effective estate planning and tax planning tool.
Nucleus Fund Life
The Nucleus Fund Life product is a sophisticated life insurance product aimed at the mass affluent to higher net worth markets. At the lower end of the scale, a wide range of UCITS funds may be chosen as investments, while for larger premiums almost any investment fund may be included in the policy. For larger premiums, independent asset managers may be appointed to manage the assets in the policy in accordance with the investment strategy chosen by the policyholder.
Nucleus Risk Solutions
Nucleus Risk Solutions cover a disruptive range of products focusing on morbidity risks. These are developed on purpose to answer the specific needs of affinities or to cover gaps in various niche markets.
The common factors are: low sums insured, easy and automated application process and specialised service to the end client.

The Liechtenstein Advantages
Gathering and using demographic data through web contacts and social media.
Member of the Europea Economic Area and therefore enjoys complete freedom of services throughout all countries of the European Union, the EEA and Switzerland.
Strong, internationally recognised financial market supervision; EU-compliant, modern insurance law following the 4th EU Life Directive
Follows global OECD standards governing transparency and information exchange in tax matters
and 3rd highest GDP per person in the world if adjusted for purchasing power parity (the highest in the world if not adjusted)
Constitutional hereditary monarchy on a democratic and parliamentary basis; Head of State: Prince Hans-Adam II
Policyholder protection
Nucleus Life is subject to the art. 59a of the Liechtenstein Insurance Supervision Act which stipulates that policyholder assets constitute a separate bankruptcy estate in accordance with art. 45 of the Bankruptcy Code of Liechtenstein. This means that in event of bankruptcy of an Insurance Company, policyholder assets are kept separate from shareholders (and other) assets, and may not be seized by its creditors.
The insurance sector
At the end of 2015, 21 life insurance companies, 17 non-life insurance companies, and three reinsurance companies operated in Liechtenstein. 11 undertakings operated as captives, eight of which as direct insurers and three as reinsurers.
Premium income in 2015 amounted to CHF 3.3 billion: life insurers generated CHF 2.3 billion, non-life insurers CHF 1.0 billion, and reinsurers CHF 47 million. The balance sheet total as at the end of 2015 amounted to CHF 27.8 billion.
Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI)”
In a joint statement, a number of countries, including all major financial centres and Liechtenstein, have introduced the new OECD standard on transparency and information exchange in tax issues, the so-called “Automatic exchange of information” (AEOI)”
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